The Interventionists: Chapter 4

A large amount of this chapter is spent introducing different “interventionist” groups or people and describing one of their big projects.  Most of the groups are not very well known and consist of volunteers working on the projects.  The second half of this chapter was spent talking about interventionist practices.  It discussed tactics used and gave a number of examples including the black factory, the taxi project, and the homeless vehicle project.

Key Concepts 

Tactics- a move to be used in playing a game.  In the case of interventionists, the moves are their projects and the game is the real world.

Globalism- changes in cultural and political climate that interconnected every country.  This had a dramatic effect on the strategies used by certain interventionist groups.

Critical Questions

Are art projects the most effective way to incite the changes that many interventionists groups hope to achieve?

Would taking a more traditional, political route to change perhaps be more effective for some of these issues?

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